Tuesday – Tech House remix. 13/12/11. 20 Fingers – Short Dick Man (We Love 90 feat. Luca Lento)

Tuesday’s child was hung

20 Fingers most successful track Short Dick Man achieved international fame in 1994, however it reached #1 in only one country, France. The reason for the top mark in this region could go either way; it’s possible the Men have reason to be proud of their truffle hunters, or more likely the Women purchased the LP as a protest to the limited size of their regional gentile.

It’s funny how different countries are viewed on a superficial level. Just today, according to Beautifulpeople.com, it was released that New Zealand males are accepted onto the site at a rate of 1 in 3, ranking them 6th, but only 17% of females get in, with rankings well outside the top 10. Obviously these stats are very subjective, but a short dick is a short dick right?

Well not necessarily, in fact, according to a Men’s Health survey, nearly 80% of all men have admitted to being Growers as opposed to Showers, (look it up if you don’t know what that means) so Gillette has to be a little more descriptive of when and how she will be making her judgement. We can cut her some slack however if the song happens to be about pregnancy. She would fully be within her rights to want her some size, as the bigger the shlong, the larger the displacement of sperm. Just some fun facts for your Tuesday.

We Love 90 are set to bring back some of the biggest hits from the latter stages of last century. They collaborate with talented young producers to introduce a fresh new sound and an even fresher feel, exactly what The Daily Remix Blog is all about. Luca Lento is tasked with a phonic metamorphosis of the cult classic Short Dick Man. He has added a sweet whoomping bassline with some squeaky electro synths on top of a flowing tech house beat. Tweaking with the pitch of the vocals is a stroke of genius that gives the track a ‘fresh out of the box’ feeling with a comfortably reminiscent sound.

This song is dedicated to my girlfriend, certainly a woman who knows what she wants 😉

This track is only a clip, if you would like to hear the 6 minute fulll version, click here.


Buy this track at Beatport

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